Two Storey House for Sale Nugegoda
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 4
- Land Unit: Perches
- Size perches: 20
- House size (sqft): 4000
- Address : Nugegoda
🏠 house in nugegoda wijerama junction
🏡20 perches
🏡3200 sq ft
🏡20ft road
🏡4 bedrooms
🏡4 bathrooms
🏡 Driving room and servant room
🏡servant bathroom
🏡 dining and living area
🏡 kitchen with pantry
🏡kumbuk staircase
🏡Jak wood doors
🏡6 vehicals parking area
🏡300m to high-level road
🏡1km to jayawardhanapura campus
🏡2.5km to nugegoda
🏡high residential area